Zetaclear Review

Used alone, the tea tree oil can be applied making it drop a few drops directly on the nail infected with mycosis Zetaclear Review. Alternatively you can also choose this solution with the application by foot, leaving to soak for about 20 minutes toes or hands in a basin filled with hot water, 2 or 3 tablespoons of salt and a few drops of " Tea tree oil ". Alternatively you can use the essential oil of oregano or marigold.

As regards the daily practices much can be done to minimize the possibility of infection or propagation of the problem. Avoid walking barefoot on public surfaces, especially in the shower of local pools or gyms, dry well the parts at risk or already infected and avoid socks that can lead to excessive sweating.

It is also important to keep your nails as short as possible, making sure to sterilize any tools used (scissors, nail clippers, tweezers etc.) If they were already infected. Machine wash in warm water socks and clothing that has come in contact with stakeholders, alerting your doctor in case of aggravation of symptoms.